Dog Safe Travel Ideas

It’s the season for vacations and no one wants to leave their furry companion behind at home. You may be worried about how you’re going to travel or how to keep your dog as comfortable as possible during your trip, even if you’re just going for a ride around the town. Follow these tips to…

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Can My Dog Swim?

The summer heat is here to stay and we all desire dipping into a cool body of water. Bu what about your loving pup? They are part of the family and you want them to enjoy all of summer’s advantages too. Find out some water safety guidelines and if your dog is ready to splash…

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Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

Summer is officially here and the weather can be pretty brutal on your pet. Follow these guidelines to ensure a safe, cool, and fun summer vacation. Staying Active We love to take our pups with us on runs. It is an easy way for you and your pet to get exercise, but what happens if…

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Take Your Dog to Work Day June 23rd 2014

Take Your Dog To Work Day Pet Sitters International (PSI) has been celebrating “Take Your Dog to Work Day” since 1999. They created this special day so you could experience the joy of having your furry companion at the workplace. It also encourages employers to support adoptions from their local pet communities, rescue groups, and…

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Separation Tips for a Dog that is left Home Alone

You might have anxiety about leaving your precious pup all by themselves but there is no way we can be by their side all the time. Some people might think that leaving them alone gives them freedom but your pet can also have separation anxiety. Before leaving them alone, here are some tips on how…

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Benefits of Running with Your Dog

There are several advantages for both you and your dog when you run together. It is a fun and effective way to get exercise, improve your health, and build your relationship together. Exercise Such as humans, some dogs can be more athletic than others. Today, there are actually a lot more dogs that are considered…

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Tips For New Puppy Owners

A lot of new pet owners will be overwhelmed after only spending a couple days with their new puppy. They are similar to caring for a child and it can be frightening, not only for you but also for your pup. Until they get use to life with you, they will cry, jump, chew, run,…

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Wounded St. Louis Veteran Receives Service Puppy

When he entered Helen Fitzgeralds Grill and Pub, Marine Cpl. Justin McLoud had no idea that he would be going home with a new friend and companion that day. A wounded veteran of Afghanistan, McLoud had only dreamed of the possibility of a service dog. However, when activists Sue McNamara and Nick Hall learned more…

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