Winter Tips to Care for your Dog’s Paws in St. Louis

Baby, it’s cold outside…still! While humans are able to bundle up and protect themselves during the cold winter months, dogs don’t have it so easy. The winter can be especially harsh on your dog’s feet, but more specifically their paw pads. If neglected, it can actually lead to injury, so here are some tips and ideas to keep your pup’s paws safe during the St. Louis MO winter.

  • Avoid De-Icers: The salt that’s used to melt ice on sidewalks and roads is a huge threat to your dog’s paw pads. This “salt” is actually a chemical, and if your dog is exposed to it for long periods of time, it can lead to a chemical burn on their feet. Try to keep your dog walking on snow or grass during your winter walks. Additionally, another threat with de-icers is your dog ingesting them. Put a bowl of warm water and a towel near your door so you can wipe off their feet after your walk.
  • Ice Balls: During the winter, ice balls can form between the pads and toes of dogs with hairy feet. This can cause their paws to be sore, so keep the hair trimmed around their paws during the winter.
  • Frostbite & Hypothermia: Don’t leave your dog in the cold during the winter! Prolonged exposure to the cold can cause frostbite or hypothermia, and even a walk that’s a little too long can put them at risk. Keep your walks shot during the winter, and if you suspect your dog is suffering from either of these dangerous issues, contact your vet right away.
  • Dry, Cracking Paws: Dry winter air will do the same thing to your pet’s paw pads as it does to your skin. If you see that your dog’s paws are dry and cracking, apply a thin layer of Bag Balm to ease the symptoms. It’s available at most drug stores and pharmacies, and it’s perfectly safe for pets.

To learn more about doggy daycare in St. Louis, please contact us. We’re a local company who offers dog day care, dog boarding, and elite dog training programs in the St. Louis and St. Charles Missouri areas.