Why is my dog's nose dry?

why is my dogs nose dryOur dog’s noses are usually known to be cool and moist. If your dog has a dry and warm nose it can be a sign of sickness or a fever. Although, some people say they can be perfectly healthy with a dry nose.  If your dog has a dry nose but is his usual hyper self, then you shouldn’t be too worried. Follow the guidelines below to find out why your pup has a dry nose and if they are really feeling under their weather.

  • Plastics are a common allergy with dogs. If your dog is eating/drinking out of a plastic bowl you might want to change it to a stainless steel bowl. The dyes and chemicals used when manufacturing them can cause dry nose.
  • Just like humans, our pups can get sunburned too. Sun can cause inflammation and ulcers in their nose. This can be prevented by purchasing canine sunscreen.
  • Bacteria, fungus and virus’s can cause nasal infection. If your dog has a dry nose and is sneezing, coughing, having nosebleeds or has nose discharge, he may have a nasal infection.

If your dog has a dry nose it probably isn’t a serious emergency. Make sure you watch for the major signs above. Nasal discharge and nose blistering, flaky or broken skin are significant signs to look for. If your dog is showing any of these, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

For more information about your dogs dry nose, call us at (636) 939-3000.